One of the greatest gifts that I received in my 30s was the gift of singleness. While I would've loved for my marriage to work; I had to learn to embrace my reality. It was over, and a brand new opportunity was before me.
I had a choice to make. Do I continue to bast in the pain of the past or do I establish a new norm? While I knew it wouldn't be easy to make something beautiful out of an ugly situation, I was up for the challenge.
I stretched and forced myself beyond my comfort zone. I learned how to make small home repairs, change a bulb in my car, take out trash, trim hedges, and most importantly I rid myself of the fear of being alone. I had to overcome the fear of terrors at night or tragic things happening while being home alone with my little girl. But I did it! I did everything I never thought I could do.
You see, life has a way of throwing obstacles and causing storms to rage, but we have to determine within ourselves that we will not live in the remnants of the storms. We must choose to pick up the pieces and make the most of life. You'll never move beyond the hurt, pain, and the fears of the past, if you continue to live in it.
Know this, your past has a purpose. It should serve as a reminder for you and tool to help someone else, but you cannot stay in the past. It will cause emotional damage. When you are physically present but mentally absent from your current situation, you open the door for insane situations.
Today, decide to set yourself free. Regardless of how bad your past was, you have been given today! Today is the day you must choose to live! Live without regret! You may have been robbed of life in the past, but today you have the opportunity to regain control!
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